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<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>
Back then immigrants came here legally. Now they break the law. Why can’t they come here legally like people used to?
[[Respond to Tom?|Tom 1]]
[[Address class?|class 1]]
You can use these links to revisit the student or article list. Click 'Back to the Simulation' on those pages to return to your spot in the game.
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]What do you say to Tom?
[["I think there are some elements of this issue you are not considering. Are you sure that most immigrants are unauthorized?"|Tom D 1]]
[["That is right, Tom. Many people come here illegally."|Tom A 1]]
[["That’s interesting that you say that. Is there something from last night’s readings you’d like to reference?"|Ref M 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]What do you say to the class?
[["Does anyone want to bounce off of what Tom said?"|Class B 1]]
[["Tom seems a little misinformed. Does anyone want to refute what he said?"|Tom DC 1]]
[["Tom's right, would anyone like to add on to that?"|Tom A 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>No, immigrants definitely come here illegally more often than legally. You’re just trying to get us to agree with you, $name.
How do you want to reply?
[["What do other people think? In what ways are today’s immigrants crossing the border?"|class 2]]
[["I'm not trying to get you to agree with me. I want you to have an open mind and consider other sides of this issue."|tom refute 1]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|no reply 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Yeah, people just don’t want to wait their turn. It’s unfair to let illegals cut the line.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Yeah, I don’t understand why immigrants from Central America should be able to cut the line. My parents had to wait almost 10 years to get into this country and we’re still waiting to bring my grandparents.
What would you like to say?
[["It is unfair that some people get preferential treatment. What should be done about it?"|Q 1]]
[["Does anyone else want to add on to that? How about you, Sofia?"|S No 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]You ask the class to look at their readings from last night with data about immigration. The reading from the National Conference of State Legislatures shows that approximately 1.1 million immigrants in 2017 were issued official visas. An interactive map from the Migration Policy Institute shows the breakdown of unauthorized migrants in different cities in the U.S.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I don't know about this. Sure, a lot of people get their visas or whatever, but the MPI chart shows that there is a lot more than 1 million illegal immigrants.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Yeah, because that figure is just for 2017. The number has to be similar for other years.
What do you want to do?
[["Does anyone else notice something interesting in the MPI data map?"|minjun map 1]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|minjun map 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>A lot of them would come here legally, but the immigration laws in this country are so strict. It can take years for people to get in and it's ridiculously expensive to do so.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>So what? People should wait their turn. My parents had to wait almost 10 years to get into this country and we’re still waiting to bring my grandparents.
What would you like to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|Class B 2]]
[["Does anyone else want to add on to what Minjun or Sofia said?"|Class B 3]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I'm not misinformed. These people come into our country and then don't even learn English.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Whoa, racist much? A lot of immigrants want to learn English. But they also value their culture. And learning a second language is hard if it's not something you picked up as a kid.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I’m not being racist - I just think if you want to live in America, you should assimilate.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>It’s easy to assimilate if you are white in this country. After one generation, no one would even know if you are an immigrant. People of color don’t have that luxury.
What would you like to do?
[["Let's stay away from personal attacks, folks."|DC 2]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|DC 3]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>They're not trying to get you to agree with them. They just want you to see the other side of this. Even if you say that immigrants come here illegally, shouldn't we look at what makes people want to risk their lives to come to America?
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>People coming in illegally shouldn't have to be our problem.
What do you want to do?
[["You both bring up a good point. To what extent should the US concern itself with the problems of other countries?"|minjun 1]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|pre end 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>There isn't another side. We are wasting time and resources on people who don't want to follow the law from the very beginning. People who enter our country illegally are criminals.
What would you like to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|pre end 2]]
[["I just want you to consider a different perspective. Maybe someone with an opposing view wants to reply to that?"|sofia 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>People want to come to America legally, but there is a high cost and long wait times that force people to choose between waiting and staying in dangerous situations, or trying to come here.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div><div align='center'>(to Sofia)</div>The long wait times give us time to vet people. Otherwise, we would be letting bad people into our country. A lot of people trying to come in here have criminal records.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>That's racist. Do you have facts to back that up, or just your prejudice?
What do you want to do?
[["All right folks, it looks like we are losing sight of our discussion goal. How immigration from the early 20th century is different from today. Let's try to avoid unfounded statements, and personal attacks."|on track 1]]
[["Sofia is right, Tom. We all need to back up our arguments with facts. Let's look at the readings from last night with some data."|danger 1]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|danger 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div><div align='center'>(to Sofia)</div>Oh, because I don't want criminals coming into America, I'm a racist?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>No, you're a racist because you think that most immigrants are criminals.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div><div align='center'>(to Sofia)</div>So do you want us to just have open borders? I bet the drug cartels would like that.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>I never said we shouldn't have open borders. You're putting words in my mouth.
This has gotten a little out of hand.
[[Let's give that another try.|start intermission]]
Things didn't go great the first (second, or third) time around. That's okay! It's better to make mistakes in a simulation than in a discussion in a real classroom!
Let's consider some strategies about how to conduct class discussions before giving that another whirl.
# Encourage students to look at all sides of the issue to empathize with others.
# Avoid direct personal attacks.
# Assigning readings about the issue gives students a collective pool of knowledge to pull from.
# Staying silent is okay when students are engaging in productive discussion, but not when students are directly attacking one another.
[[Let's go again!|class start]]There seems to be general agreement in the class that things got a little heated a little too quickly.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Well, one way that immigration is similar in both of those times, back then and now, is that people want to have a better life and their home country wasn't supporting their way of life or dreams.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Yeah, like, my parents have had so many more opportunities since coming to America, like I'd guess people in the past had, but it's different now because of the complicated immigration process.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>In one of the readings last night, it says that it can cost thousands of dollars to get a visa and then you have to pay, like, seven hundred dollars to be naturalized.
What would you like to do?
[["Great job utilizing the readings."|on track2]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|on track2]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I think the cost is justified. There's gotta be a lot of processes behind admitting a whole person to the country.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>I don't know about that. My parents waited a really long time to immigrate here, and we are still waiting to bring my grandparents.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>So what should be done about it?
What would you like to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|ending 1]]
[["It's obvious there are a lot of nuances surrounding immigration. What policies or suggestions would you folks have for people working in government?"|ending 2]]
[["Let's take a look at what policies have been implemented in the past. Turn to page 22 in your packets."|ending 3]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>We should be focused on human rights. Today, families are being separated at the border, and people are being left in the limbo of ridiculously long wait times.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>We need those long wait times to vet people. Otherwise, we could be letting criminals into the country. How else would we have the time to look at every applicant's history?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I know; it is just so frustrating not to be able to do anything about it.
[[Simulation End.]]<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Something that keeps families together. My parents want to bring my grandparents over, but the process is so complicated.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>A streamlined process would make it easier for people to apply, and there could be grants to help people afford the application fee.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>But we also need an application process that prioritizes the safety of our country.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>So we just need a plan to unite all of our ideas.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Should be easy enough.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>"Recent policies have made immigration really difficult for a lot of different people. I feel like policies like that are contributing to negative attitudes towards immigrants and making people more racist.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I don't know about that. Strong immigration policies keep our borders strong and our country safe.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I guess.
[[Simulation End.]] Welcome to the end of the simulator. We hope you learned about conducting difficult discussions in the classroom and thought about new ways to engage with your students.
Now you’ll take a few minutes to reflect on your experiences.
How did you think the discussion went overall?
<<textarea "$reflect1" "">>
Think back to your original goal for the discussion. What would you change about your goals if you were to lead this discussion again? Reminder, you originally set your goal as: <<print $anti1>>
<<textarea "$reflect2" "">>
If at any point during the simulation you would have done or said something not provided in the teacher response options, type it here.
<<textarea "$reflect3" "">>
[[Next.|Submit my responses!]]
<<set $readytostart to visited("Ready to start!")>>
<<set $meetstudents to visited("Let's meet your students!")>>
<<set $newsofia3 to visited("new sofia 3")>>
<<set $newsofia2 to visited("new sofia 2")>>
<<set $classstart to visited("class start")>>
<<set $sofiastart to visited("sofia start")>>
<<set $newsofia4 to visited("new sofia 4")>>
<<set $firststart to visited("start")>>
<<set $newsofia1 to visited("new sofia 1")>>
<<set $newsofia5 to visited("new sofia 5")>>
<<set $Tom1 to visited("Tom 1")>>
<<set $class1 to visited("class 1")>>
<<set $classB1 to visited("Class B 1")>>
<<set $classB3 to visited("Class B 3")>>
<<set $TomA1 to visited("Tom A 1")>>
<<set $DC2 to visited("DC 2")>>
<<set $TomDC1 to visited("Tom DC 1")>>
<<set $Q1 to visited("Q 1")>>
<<set $SNo1 to visited("S No 1")>>
<<set $RefM1 to visited("Ref M 1")>>
<<set $DC3 to visited("DC 3")>>
<<set $ClassB2 to visited("Class B 2")>>
<<set $tom1 to visited("tom 1")>>
<<set $minjunmap1 to visited("minjun map 1")>>
<<set $stepend1 to visited("step end 1")>>
<<set $DC4 to visited("DC 4")>>
<<set $dataend1 to visited("data end 1")>>
<<set $disend1 to visited("dis end 1")>>
<<set $stepend3 to visited("step end 3")>>
<<set $end4 to visited("end 4")>>
<<set $minjunend1 to visited("minjun end 1")>>
<<set $minjun4 to visited("minjun 4")>>
<<set $end5 to visited("end 5")>>
<<set $preend1 to visited("pre end 1")>>
<<set $tomend2 to visited("tom end 2")>>
<<set $minjun3 to visited("minjun 3")>>
<<set $minjun1 to visited("minjun 1")>>
<<set $class2 to visited("class 2")>>
<<set $TomD1 to visited("Tom D 1")>>
<<set $preend2 to visited("pre end 2")>>
<<set $tomrefute1 to visited("tom end 1")>>
<<set $ontrack1 to visited("on track 1")>>
<<set $noreply1 to visited("no reply 1")>>
<<set $tomend1 to visited("tom end 1")>>
<<set $sofia1 to visited("sofia 1")>>
<<set $ontrack2 to visited("on track2")>>
<<set $danger1 to visited("danger 1")>>
<<set $startintermission to visited("start intermission")>>
<<set $ending4 to visited("ending 4")>>
<<set $sofiaend1 to visited("sofia end 1")>>
<<set $ending2 to visited("ending 2")>>
<<set $ending1 to visited("ending 1")>>
<<set $ending3 to visited("ending 3")>>
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>People should take responsibility for their own problems and not blame the US. Besides, I don’t understand why immigrants from Central America should be able to cut the line. My parents had to wait almost 10 years to get into this country and we’re still waiting to bring my grandparents. Why can’t they just wait their turn?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>If they waited, they could die. Some people are being unfairly prosecuted by their home countries.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Like I said, not our problem. We have our own issues. And in any case, in one of last night's readings, it says that the number people seeking asylum from countries in Central America has gone up even though crime overall in those countries has gone down.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I don't think stats about crime in general are a good indicator about people who are seeking asylum because it is about if you are being persecuted in your home country. You could be, technically, legally persecuted in your home country for something like your religion.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Yeah, I guess that's a good point, I didn't consider that.
What do you want to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|minjun 3]]
[["What do we think about asylum seekers? Do you think the regulations should become more or less strict?"|minjun 4]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>We should look at this as a human rights issue. If people are suffering somewhere in the world, why shouldn't we try to help?
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>As if we don't have enough problems here to fix first.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>It's not like we can't care about two things, Tom.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>But our problems at home, like unemployment, are way more important than making it easier for bad people to come into the country."
What would you like to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|end 4]]
[["We are getting a little off track here, folks."|end 5]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>The unemployment rate is falling, not rising. Yes, there are problems left to solve, but why not try to help people just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families?
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>You know, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and all that.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Immigrants aren't bad people, Tom. They weren't 100 years ago, and they aren't now. If you think that every immigrant is coming for your nonexistent job, I think you need to dial back the paranoia.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>C'mon Tom, do you think I'm a bad guy? You know I immigrated from Korea.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div><div align='center'>(slouching back in his chair)</div>This is ridiculous.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>You said that most people immigrate here illegally, but that's just not true. In the packet you gave us it says that, 'Approximately 1.1 million immigrants in 2017 were issued official visas.' I feel like we are getting away from our original topic.
What would you like to say?
[["You're right, we should get back to the topic at hand: Differences in immigration."|on track 1]]
[["I think the conversation we are currently having is also valuable."|tom 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(looking down at her desk)</div>I don't have anything to add.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>When we let people cut the line, we don't have a chance to properly vet them, leaving us open to attacks.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>There should be policy that keeps people from skipping ahead. It's not right when people have waited many years to legally enter.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Even if a million people came here legally, there has to be a million more that came in illegally.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Even when someone enters the country without authorization, that doesn't mean they are a bad person. Most people just want to get a job and support their families.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Tom''</div>See, you can't even say anything against that.
The other students in your class seem uncomfortable.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Tom is totally out of line. People are trying to escape dangerous countries, and we are turning them away at the border and putting their kids in cages. It's not a waste of time or money to try to help others.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Those people are not our people. Why should America be responsible for them when we have so many problems here at home?
What would you like to do?
[["What problem in the U.S. do you think is more important than immigration, Tom?"|tom end 1]]
[["What changes would you want to make in policy, Sofia?"|sofia end 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Where to begin, honestly. There's unemployment, the sky-rocketing rate of prescriptions, and student debt. We should fix all of the problems we have at home first.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>For one, we shouldn't be breaking up families by locking children up. We shouldn't be turning away people who have escaped from violent situations.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>So we should just have open borders?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>That's not what I said, you're just trying to put words in my mouth.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Well, it's not ideal that one figure is from 2017 and the map data is from 2012 to 2016. Even so, I like that the map shows the breakdown of migrants from different countries in different counties. It helps shows trends of where people go, so that we can compare it to the past.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Yeah, people tend to lump all immigration into just Mexico or South America, but people from all over the world are searching for a better life.
What would you like to say?
[["Echoing that, what's one change or similarity you see in where people choose to live?"|dis end 1]]
[["Is there another source or data set that you would like to look at?"|data end 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]Tom says, "The map data is only for illegal immigrants. I'd want to see a map with data about where legal immigrants live to see if it's any different."
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I'm not really sure, our textbook mostly covered immigration from places like the U.K. and Western Europe. This map has places from all over the world.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Well, people mostly stay on the coast, it seems like.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I think the cost is justified. There's gotta be a lot of processes behind admitting a whole person to the country. It's not like a bunch of high school kids are going to come up with any real solutions.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>There's nothing that's keeping us from brainstorming new ideas.
What do you want to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|ending 1]]
[["It's obvious there are a lot of nuances surrounding immigration. What policies or suggestions would you folks have for people working in government?"|ending 2]]
[["Let's take a look at what policies have been implemented in the past. Turn to page 22 in your packets."|ending 3]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>And don't you think that's unfair, Minjun? Your parents waited, and now your grandparents are waiting literal years. Don't you want future immigrants not to struggle like that?
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>We had to wait and other people should too.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>If anything, the process should be longer and more intense.
What would you like to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|no reply 1]]
[["We are getting a little bit off track here, folks. Remember, our discussion is supposed be about how immigration in the past differs from today."|on track 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Why are you always talking about all the bad things in this country? Why not talk about all the good things about America, $name?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Like what, the discrimination and gun violence?
What would you like to do?
[["All right folks, it looks like we are losing sight of our discussion goal. Let's get back on track."|on track 1]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|DC 3]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>My parents experience discrimination just because they are Latino. If they were white immigrants in their field, no one would even think twice about it. It's attitudes like that that are contributing to racism.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Your parents are professors. They're some of the good ones.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>As opposed to?
What do you want to do?
[["Tom, can I see you in the hall?" (You think he is being unfair to Sofia.)|step end 1]]
[["Sofia, can I see you in the hall?" (You think she is being unfair to Tom.)|step end 3]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|DC 4]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
You and Tom step out into the hall. The both of you talk about the general classroom rules for conducting civil discussion.
Tom leaves your chat disgruntled that you chose not to remind the other students about this.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Can you two chill for, like, five seconds? Tom, you're being kinda a jerk, and Sofia, you're smart enough to attack his side with data. Can we get some fact-backed discussion?
Tom and Sofia begin flipping through their notes for sources from last night's reading.
You thank Minjun for his somewhat unorthodox way of getting the class back on track.
What do you want to do?
[[Continue the discussion.|Ref M 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]Welcome to Discussion Leader - Immigration, a practice space built by MIT's Teaching Systems Lab!<<script>>Config.ui.stowBarInitially = true;<</script>>
This is an interactive case study simulating a discussion in a high school social studies classroom. We are doing research into how to prepare teachers to conduct difficult conversations in their classrooms.
You'll review the context on the scenario, share what you anticipate will happen, and then try it out! Afterward, you'll reflect on your experience with the simulation.
[[Click here to read the consent form.]]
''Check this box if you're at least 18 years of age and consent to being a participant in the research study.'' <<checkbox "$age" false true>>
[[Ready to begin!|Ready to start!]]<img src="" width="250" height="300" alt="Tom">
Tom is a white student whose parents both work in the service industry. You have observed Tom making critical comments about immigrants outside of class. Tom has been visibly uncomfortable during class discussions of immigration.
<img src="" width="250" height="300" alt="Sofia">
Sofia is a Latina student whose parents are both college professors at a local university. Sofia is generally shy during class, but has been increasingly vocal during discussions about immigration.
<img src="" width="250" height="300" alt="Minjun">
Minjun immigrated 5 years ago with his parents from Korea. His parents own a laundromat in town. Minjun is extremely vocal about his opinions in class and often takes unpopular positions during class discussions.
<<if visited("class start") is 0>>[[I've met all of my students!]]<</if>>
<<if visited("class start") > 0>>[[Back to the simulation.|previous()]]<</if>>Before you begin interacting this scenario, we have two questions about what you anticipate may happen during this class discussion.<<set $temp to either("Dr. Potter", "Mrs. Anderson", "Ms. Sly", "Mr. Brekker", "Mx. Markov")>>
What do you hope to accomplish with this class discussion?
<<textarea "$anti1" "">>
What do you think will actually happen during the class discussion on immigration?
<<textarea "$anti2" "">>
What should your students call you? Type a name or let the game choose a random name.
<<textbox "$name" "Type a Name Here">>
<<radiobutton "$name" $temp>> Random Name
[[Excellent, let's begin!|class start]]
In this scenario, you are a high school history teacher in a diverse school with opinionated students. Today, you are leading a discussion about immigration and you'd like for your students to understand the current debates surrounding this topic.
Students have read several articles in preparation for today's class, and are listed here. You don't need to be extremely familiar with these readings, but remember that your students will refer to them in the simulation. If you wish, you may read these articles before beginning.
<div align='center'>''Fact and Data Readings''</div>
<a href="" target="_blank">Snapshot of U.S. Immigration 2019 from National Conference of State Legislatures Immigration (reading time: 5 minutes)</a>
''Important Takeaways:''
# 1,127,167 people obtained Lawful Permanent Resident Status in FY 2017.
# In FY 2017, there were 13.1 million legal non-citizens and 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the US.
# In 2015, most immigrants came from South or East Asia.
<a href="" target="_blank">Unauthorized Immigrant Populations by Country and Region, Top States and Counties of Residence, 2012-16 (reading time: 5 minutes)</a>
''Important Takeaways:''
# In the Boston Area, there is a population of 141,000 unauthorized immigrants. There are 173,000 unauthorized immigrants in Massachusetts.
# In Los Angeles County, there is a population of 1,051,000 unauthorized immigrants. There are 3,059,000 unauthorized immigrants in California.
# In Dallas County, there is a population of 247,000 unauthorized immigrants. There are 1,597,000 unauthorized immigrants in Texas.
<div align='center'>''Opinion Piece Readings''</div>
<a href="" target="_blank">There’s Nothing Wrong With Open Borders (reading time: 10 minutes)</a>
''Notable Quotes''
# 'Imagine that if you passed a minimal background check, you’d be free to live, work, pay taxes and die in the United States. Imagine moving from Nigeria to Nebraska as freely as one might move from Massachusetts to Maine.'
# 'The system assumes that people born outside our borders are less deserving of basic rights than those inside.'
# 'And on the global stage, we face two colossi — India and China — which, with their billions, are projected to outstrip American economic hegemony within two decades.'
<a href="" target="_blank">If Liberals Won’t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will (reading time: 15 minutes)</a>
''Notable Quotes''
# 'Generally, immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans do. '
# 'The birth rate among native-born Americans has generally been below the replacement level since the early 1970s—meaning that some amount of immigration is indispensable to simply keeping the population stable.'
# 'Central American asylum seekers say they are fleeing crime in their home countries. Yet asylum-seeking has surged even as crime in Central America has subsided.'
On each screen, you'll hear from your students and you will have 2-3 ways you can reply to them. The choices may not be exactly what you want to say, but choose the option that you believe will lead to the most productive discussion.
<<if visited("class start") is 0>>[[Let's meet your students!]]<</if>>
<<if visited("class start") > 0>>[[Back to the simulation.|previous()]]<</if>>You, $name, begin class and ask if anyone has initial thoughts about last night's readings.
All of your students have their hands up.
[[Call on Tom.|start]]
[[Call on Sofia.|sofia start]]
[[Call on Minjun.|new sofia 3]]<!-- to boldly go where no one has gone before -->
Version Log File - gmarvez at mit dot edu
MM/DD/YY - v0.0 - (use)
1/25/19 - v2.2 - OG playtest build
1/31/19 - v2.3 - Public playtest build
- Version log started
- Cleaned up intro/bolded titles
- Added clearer instructions/warnings
- Clearer dialogue tags/more high school-ish dialogue
- Student names are tagged, but need to figure out better save points
- Teachers have names
- Google Form link added/demo questions added
2/12/19 - v2.4 - PHCS
- Moved to Sugarcube/changed stylesheet/javascripts
- Textbox/textarea problem resolved
4/10/19 - v2.5 - Playtest
- Videos
- Student image storage
- Other style updates
4/21/19 - v2.6 - Full Audio
- All speaking parts are uploaded
6/3/19 - v2.7.MC - Multiple Choice Prototype
- Multiple choice build
- Streamlined intro and conclusion
6/5/19 - v2.8.MC - iCivics Showcase
- Article summaries
- Continuous access loops
- End clean up
- Data update with consent
6/12/19 - v2.9.MC - Lab Play-Test Prep
- Data now exports to Google database
6/13/19 - v3.0.MC - Lab Play-Test
- Additional conversation options
- Introduced Socratic elements
6/21/19 - v3.1.MC - Frontiers in Democracy
- Path history recorded
- Citizen participationYou and Sofia step out into the hall. The both of you talk about the general classroom rules for conducting civil discussion.
Sofia leaves your chat disgruntled that you chose not to remind the other students about this.
[[Simulation End.]] Here is everything you wrote during the simulation:
<<print $anti1>>
<<if $anti1 is "">><<set $anti1 to "N/A">><</if>>
<<print $anti2>>
<<if $anti2 is "">><<set $anti2 to "N/A">><</if>>
<<print $reflect1>>
<<if $reflect1 is "">><<set $reflect1 to "N/A">><</if>>
<<print $reflect2>>
<<if $reflect2 is "">><<set $reflect2 to "N/A">><</if>>
<<print $reflect3>>
<<if $reflect3 is "">><<set $reflect3 to "N/A">><</if>>
<<if $age == true>>
Help us conduct research by taking this survey and clicking ''Send the data!'' when you're finished. All questions are optional.
''Demographics (all optional)''
''Gender''<<set $gender to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$gender" "male">> Male
<<radiobutton "$gender" "female">> Female
<<radiobutton "$gender" "other">> Other
''How many years of teaching experience do you have (enter a whole number)?''
<<textbox "$yearsteaching" "">>
<<if $yearsteaching is "">><<set $yearsteaching to "N/A">><</if>>
''What position do you currently hold?''<<set $position to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$position" "teacher">> Teacher
<<radiobutton "$position" "admin">> Administration
<<radiobutton "$position" "edtechdev">> Curriculum/EdTech Designer
<<radiobutton "$position" "researcher">> Research
<<radiobutton "$position" "generaledu">> Involved in Education in a Different Capacity
<<radiobutton "$position" "student">> Student
<<radiobutton "$position" "other">> Other
''To what degree would you say you are comfortable leading classroom discussions of controversial issues?''<<set $comfort to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$comfort" "5">> 5 (very comfortable)
<<radiobutton "$comfort" "4">> 4
<<radiobutton "$comfort" "3">> 3
<<radiobutton "$comfort" "2">> 2
<<radiobutton "$comfort" "1">> 1 (not comfortable at all)
''What subjects have you taught?''
<<textbox "$subject" "">>
<<if $subject is "">><<set $subject to "N/A">><</if>>
''Answer these statements with the degree to which you agree with them (all optional).''
''I wait to see if a dispute will resolve itself before taking action.''<<set $dispute1 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute1" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute1" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute1" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute1" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute1" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I hate arguments.''<<set $dispute2 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute2" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute2" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute2" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute2" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute2" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I rarely have arguments with my friends.''<<set $dispute3 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute3" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute3" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute3" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute3" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute3" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I avoid arguments.''<<set $dispute4 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute4" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute4" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute4" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute4" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute4" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''Arguments can be fun.''<<set $dispute5 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute5" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute5" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute5" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute5" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute5" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I often start arguments.''<<set $dispute6 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute6" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute6" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute6" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute6" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute6" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I find conflicts exciting.''<<set $dispute7 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute7" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute7" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute7" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute7" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute7" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I am drawn to conflict situations.''<<set $dispute8 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute8" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute8" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute8" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute8" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute8" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I enjoy challenging the opinions of others.''<<set $dispute9 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute9" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute9" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute9" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute9" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute9" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''Arguments don't bother me.''<<set $dispute10 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute10" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute10" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute10" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute10" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute10" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I don't mind when others start arguments with me.''<<set $dispute11 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute11" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute11" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute11" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute11" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute11" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''Conflicts make relationships interesting.''<<set $dispute12 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute12" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute12" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute12" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute12" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute12" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I like when other people challenge my opinions.''<<set $dispute13 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute13" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute13" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute13" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute13" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute13" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I avoid conflict.''<<set $dispute14 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute14" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute14" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute14" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute14" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute14" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''I feel upset after an argument.''<<set $dispute15 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$dispute15" "Strongly Disagree">> Strongly Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute15" "Disagree">> Disagree
<<radiobutton "$dispute15" "Neutral">> Neutral
<<radiobutton "$dispute15" "Agree">> Agree
<<radiobutton "$dispute15" "Strongly Agree">> Strongly Agree
''Political Participation Questions (all optional)''
''Have you participated in protest activities within the past two years?''<<set $citizen1 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen1" "0">> No
<<radiobutton "$citizen1" ".5">> Yes
<<radiobutton "$citizen1" "1">> Yes, more than once
''Have you worked on a political campaign in the past two years?''<<set $citizen2 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen2" "0">> No
<<radiobutton "$citizen2" ".5">> Yes
<<radiobutton "$citizen2" "1">> Yes, more than once
''Have you donated money to a political campaign in the past two years?''<<set $citizen3 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen3" "0">> No
<<radiobutton "$citizen3" ".5">> Yes
<<radiobutton "$citizen3" "1">> Yes, more than once
''How often do you discuss politics?''<<set $citizen4 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen4" "0">> Never
<<radiobutton "$citizen4" ".25">> Rarely
<<radiobutton "$citizen4" ".5">> Sometimes
<<radiobutton "$citizen4" ".75">> Often
<<radiobutton "$citizen4" "1">> A great deal
''How often have you voted in elections?''<<set $citizen5 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen5" "0">> Never
<<radiobutton "$citizen5" ".25">> Rarely
<<radiobutton "$citizen5" ".5">> Sometimes
<<radiobutton "$citizen5" ".75">> Often
<<radiobutton "$citizen5" "1">> Always have
''Have you contacted an elected official in the last two years?''<<set $citizen6 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen6" "0">> No
<<radiobutton "$citizen6" ".5">> Yes
<<radiobutton "$citizen6" "1">> Yes, more than once
''How often do you read news about politics?''<<set $citizen7 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen7" "0">> Never
<<radiobutton "$citizen7" ".25">> Rarely
<<radiobutton "$citizen7" ".5">> Sometimes
<<radiobutton "$citizen7" ".75">> Often
<<radiobutton "$citizen7" "1">> A great deal
''On a scale of 1-10, how strongly do you identify with one party or one political stance with 1 meaning "weak identification" and 10 meaning "strong identification"?''<<set $citizen8 to "N/A">>
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "1">> 1 (weak identification)
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "2">> 2
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "3">> 3
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "4">> 4
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "5">> 5
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "6">> 6
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "7">> 7
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "8">> 8
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "9">> 9
<<radiobutton "$citizen8" "10">> 10 (strong identification)
<button onclick="sendData()">Send the data!</button><</if>>
[[Want to make different choices? Play again!|class start]]
If you'd like to learn about our lab's work, please visit us online at the <a href="" target="_blank">Teaching Systems Lab.</a>
<div align='center' style='font-size: 70%;'>\
Discussion Leader - Immigration [[v]]3.1
MIT - The Teaching Systems Laboratory
G. R. Marvez
Joshua Littenberg-Tobias, PhD</div>
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var yearsteaching = window.SugarCube.State.variables.yearsteaching;
var position = window.SugarCube.State.variables.position;
var comfort = window.SugarCube.State.variables.comfort;
var subject = window.SugarCube.State.variables.subject;
var dispute1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.dispute1;
var dispute2 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.dispute2;
var dispute3 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.dispute3;
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var dispute14 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.dispute14;
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var citizen1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.citizen1;
var citizen2 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.citizen2;
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var citizen5 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.citizen5;
var citizen6 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.citizen6;
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var classB1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.classB1;
var classB3 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.classB3;
var TomA1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.TomA1;
var DC2 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.DC2;
var TomDC1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.TomDC1;
var Q1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.Q1;
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var RefM1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.RefM1;
var DC3 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.DC3;
var ClassB2 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.ClassB2;
var tom1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.tom1;
var minjunmap1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.minjunmap1;
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var minjun1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.minjun1;
var class2 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.class2;
var TomD1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.TomD1;
var preend2 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.preend2;
var tomrefute1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.tomrefute1;
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var ending1 = window.SugarCube.State.variables.ending1;
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<</script>><div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I didn’t really like last night’s readings. The first two had some interesting data, I guess, but even the opinion piece didn’t even tell a single immigrant’s story.
What would you like to do?
[[“What information would you like to see more specifically to hear immigrant voices?”|new sofia 2]]
[[“Why do you think the author wrote the opinion piece that way?”|new sofia 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Tom''</div><div align='center'>(to you)</div>It was written that way because we don't really need to hear some sad story from people who came here illegally. In the past, people waited their turn to come here legally. Now, they break the law. Why should we have to hear what they say?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>It's not like all immigrants come here illegally. Even in last night's reading it shows that over a million people got their visas in 2017. Besides, people want to immigrate legally, but the wait times are ridiculous.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>People should have to wait their turn, like my parents did when we immigrated from Korea. It's been nearly ten years, and we are still waiting to bring my grandparents. Why should people from Central America cut the line?
What would you like to do?
[[“Do you think that some people should be able to jump the wait line for extenuating circumstances? Remember that in the past, people immigrated to the US because of religious persecution.”|Class B 3]]
[[“What does the class think about the wait times? Are they justified? Do we need policy reform?”|new sofia 5]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>There could be a lot of interesting material we could look at. Like, a documentary about immigrants or The Humans of New York Instagram.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div><div align='center'>(to Sofia)</div>What's on that Instagram account?
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Minjun)</div>It's run by someone who takes pictures of people in New York mostly, and they interview for them for a caption about their life. Not every post is about immigrants, but it provides an interesting look into people's lives. I think if you lived in an area without a lot of immigrants, or like a homogeneous neighborhood, it could help you understand the struggle of a lot of immigrants.
What would you like to do?
[[“What do folks think about what Sofia just said? In what way do or do you think others view immigrants, especially thinking about the past and today?”|new sofia 3]]
[[“That's an interesting resource. What other resources do people think could be used to aid our discussion?”|new sofia 4]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>Well, people in the past were just looking for more opportunities, and that's why my parents moved here. And people from a long time ago faced discrimination for being immigrants too.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>And even when there is more opportunity, it sure doesn't feel like it. My parents are professors and they face discrimination just for being Latinx.
What do you want to do?
[["Where do you think the discrimination comes from? People's views on unauthorized immigrants or something else?"|Class B 1]]
[["It's true that immigrants face a lot of discrimination. What could be done to change this?"|DC 2]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Tom''</div><div align='center'>(to Sofia)</div>I disagree with what you said about last night's readings. We have to look at the data and policy implications first before looking at people on a case-by-case basis.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div><div align='center'>(to Tom)</div>I get what you're saying, but I feel like we can't really get the whole picture if we ignore people's stories. Why don't you consider the other side? The current state of immigration in this country is nightmare for people just looking for a better life.
What do you want to do?
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|tom refute 1]]
[["To what extent is the current state of immigration harming immigrants?"|pre end 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Tom''</div> We could cut down on the people applying to get in if they don't add anything of value to the country by having stricter immigration regulations. Like if you don't meet these requirements, you can't come in.
<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>And what kind of requirements would you see as being stricter?
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Being literate in English, having good technical skills, no criminal record. Stuff like that.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>You want all immigrants to the United States, a country with no official language, to come here fluent in English? I just don't think you could be more misinformed.
What would you like to do?
[[“Let's try to think about where everyone's opinions are coming from.”|Tom DC 1]]
[[(Let the students keep talking.)|DC 4]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]
You have been asked to participate in a research study conducted by the staff and researchers at the Teaching System Laboratory (TSL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Purpose of study: The purpose of this study is to gather information on the efficacy of a set of learning experiences including games, simulations, role plays, and challenges that we are designing to prepare teachers to develop and practice teaching strategies. These activities are informed by the current research on best practices in education.
Study methods: Participating in this study means trying out some of the activities we are designing, and helping us gather information about the effectiveness of these activities. To measure the effectiveness of those activities, we will gather data directly from you. For digital activities and simulations including survey data and for the activities that include an online component, data gathered from online activity (mouse clicks, actions during the games) and connections with other educators.
Study results: The results of this study will be used for ongoing research conducted by the Teaching Systems Lab. Results of the study will be shared through conference papers, journal articles, websites, online blogs, tweets, and other materials. All information will be reported anonymously unless consent is provided.
Data collection: For both in person and digital activities, we will collect data through interviews, observations, and written or discussion-based responses you have to these activities. For games or simulations that are digital or online, we will collect data including your typed responses, mouse clicks within the game or simulation, and audio or video recordings that you may create. These will be used for our research. We may share de-identified data with other researchers at other institutions who are interested in the research. For some simulations, there will be an option to share your response with others to see how other participants interact with the game or simulation. These data will be used for our research, but they may also be used to compare your ideas with other participants’ ideas. We will give you the choice to share your response with others or not to share them.
All data will be stored on an encrypted device. All identifiers will be replaced with pseudonyms. We will remove all identifiers from the data before it is shared.
Participant information:
• Participating in this study is voluntary.
• You will not be compensated for participating in the study.
• Unless you give us permission to use your name, title, and /or quote you in any publications that may result from this research, the information you tell us will be confidential.
Study Timeframe
This project will be completed by September 1, 2021. All interviews will be de-identified and transcribed. Interview recordings will be stored in a secure workspace until 2021. After that date, the files will be deleted. The de-identified transcripts will be stored on a password-protected computer.
Informed Consent:
I understand the procedures described above. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction, and I agree to participate in this study. I have been given a copy of this form.
Contact information:
Please contact Dr. Joshua Littenberg-Tobias ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Chairman of the Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects, M.I.T., Room E25-143b, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, phone 1-617-253-6787.
[[I have read and understand the consent form. Return to the start.|intro]]<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>It still seems unfair to me to have asylum seekers, like, fast-tracked ahead of people who have been waiting much longer than they have.
What do you want to do?
[["Is that true? Does anyone know if asylum seekers are fast-tracked?"|ending 4]]
[["I'm hearing that people have different ideas on the immigration system. How would you change it?"|ending 2]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I thought that the one article you gave us about having completely open borders was interesting. Some people kind of assume that immigrants deserve less rights than Americans, but that's just not true.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>I'm going to have to disagree with that.
What do you want to do?
[["What specifically do you disagree with, Tom?"|tom end 2]]
[["What do we think about asylum seekers? Do you think the regulations should become more or less strict?"|minjun end 1]]
[[I want to look at the student list again.|Let's meet your students!]]
[[I want to look at the article list again.|Ready to start!]]<div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>I don't know, but the whole system is probably overly bureaucratic and a waste of people's time.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Tom''</div>We should not have open borders. We would be letting in criminals and have no way of knowing.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>I didn't mean literal open borders with no security, but the restrictions should be reduced by a lot.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>Too many immigrants would change the culture of our country too fast.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>But hasn't that been what America is all about? Immigrants coming together in a melting plot.
[[Simulation End.]] <div align='center'>''Minjun''</div>I don't know too much about that, but it seems like to me that they get priority over normal immigrants.
<div align='center'>''Sofia''</div>Well, that kind of makes sense, doesn't it? People who are being persecuted should get priority over normal immigrants.
<div align='center'>''Tom''</div>But wouldn't those people just bring their problems here with them? Maybe we should be prioritizing regular people who bring skills to the US.
[[Simulation End.]]